Experience the fresh experience of (chemical) peeling with Microexfoliant

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Care with Professional serums is completed with Microexfoliant, an innovative peeling for all skin types that thoroughly cleans, evens out skin tone, promotes smoothness, awakens healthy color and shine.

Activation in contact with water

Microexfoliant is a kind of "hybrid" of two types of peeling, mechanical and chemical. Combining physical and chemical exfoliation, Professional peeling provides the skin of the face (and décolleté) with an immediate effect of cleaning dead skin cells and a slightly prolonged anti-inflammatory effect . In contact with water, the texture of the scrub in the form of a white powder turns into a creamy, thick paste that is applied to a wet face, massaged in circular motions and then washed off, leaving the skin clean, soft and ready for further care steps.

Salicylic acid and castor wax beads

The effect of chemical peeling and prolonged anti-inflammatory effect on the skin is due to salicylic acid in a percentage of 1%, which is mild and tolerable for almost any skin. Salicylic acid, usually derived from salicin derived from white willow bark, is a beta hydroxyl acid (BHA). It is usually used in medical preparations, but in addition to its positive effect on the body, salicylic acid has been proven to have a positive effect on the skin as well .

First and foremost is certainly the keratolytic effect, which means that it stimulates the exfoliation of dead skin cells and "reveals" a clean complexion. Because it soothes inflammatory processes and provides antiseptic and comedolytic action, salicylic acid is an ideal active substance for the treatment of skin prone to acne, blackheads and comedones. It deeply cleans the pores, prevents their clogging and balances the secretion of natural skin fat. With long-term use, salicylic acid can contribute to reducing the visibility of treatment spots and hyperpigmentation. Natural grains of castor wax are responsible for the feeling of physical or mechanical exfoliation when using the Microexfoliant. By using grains of plant origin, the gentleness of the application itself was achieved, but the standards of "green chemistry" were also respected, according to which it is not desirable to use microplastics in the formulation of the product.

Care with biotin and allantoin

In addition to active exfoliating components, Microexfoliant also contains a number of nourishing ingredients such as vitamin H (biotin) and allantoin. Biotin is an extremely important B group vitamin for the body, soluble in water, and serves as a coenzyme in various processes in the body. Allantoin is a substance that contributes to the softening of the surface layer of the skin, proper hydration, regeneration and smoothness of the complexion . Individually, but especially in combination, these ingredients are extremely important for the health and beauty of the skin.

Enough to use up to 3 times a week

Peeling with a microexfoliant is recommended up to 3 times a week on all skin types, with the exception of more sensitive skin, skin prone to capillary changes, rosacea and similar conditions. People who are sensitive or allergic to the salicylic acid in the composition should not use Microexfoliant , and a more suitable variant of peeling can be found in products such as Nourishing Peeling Immortelle or Active Peeling Immortelle.

Also, the use of Microexfoliant is not recommended for damaged, irritated and visibly inflamed skin with open sores. Due to the action of salicylic acid, a slight burning sensation is possible, which is a sign of the active action of this substance. If the burning sensation intensifies and burning occurs, the product should be washed off immediately and further use should be stopped. Also, due to the acceleration of cell turnover, a phase of skin cleansing is also possible, which, if it happens, is temporary and transitory. In order to check the tolerability of the product on the skin, before using it on the face it is good to perform a tolerability test on the forearm, and parallel use of products with acids in the composition should be avoided . It is recommended to wear SPF during the day. All supporters of cosmetics without ingredients of animal origin will be pleased by the fact that Microexfoliant is vegan.

Order Professional Microexfoliant in the Olival webshop.

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