Advantages of facial rollers (massagers) in the care routine

Prednosti rolera (masažera) za lice u rutini njege

There are many methods in the beauty world by which women maintain their youth and beauty. However, somehow the trends always go back to methods that were known in the distant past.

One of these methods is facial massage using a roller . Read why you should incorporate it into your skincare routine.

The power of jade has been known since the 7th century

The main role in this method is played by the semi-precious stone jade . It is highly valued in Eastern, especially Chinese culture, because it is claimed to be a stone that adorns tenderness and purity . The Chinese aristocracy used it to extract negative energy from their bodies. Therefore, it is not surprising that it did not take long for the Chinese aristocracy to transfer its use to the face.

We all know that facial massage has a very relaxing effect on the whole body . When you add jade with all its benefits, you really get a professional spa atmosphere in the blink of an eye. Chinese women are aware of this and have been using jade in their facial care since the 7th century.

They believed that this small practical tool - a roller with two sides on which there are two jade stones, one larger and one smaller - activates the lymphatic system and reduces swelling of the face . Traditional beliefs speak in favor of the fact that a jade roller removes toxins from the body and brings harmony to the energy system of the person who uses it.

Contributes to skin blood circulation and fresh complexion

Eastern beliefs about the energy of precious and semi-precious stones have slowly but surely passed into Western culture . The double-sided jade massager is so crazy for ladies who use it on their face and neck all over the world.

It improves the blood flow in the face and strengthens the facial muscles . All this slows down the formation of wrinkles and reduces the visibility of dark circles. Of course, in order for the jade massager to work like that, it needs to be kept in the refrigerator.

The benefits of cold face massages are also evidenced by the trend that models often turned to. It is a face massage with an ice cube. A jade roller is somewhat more sophisticated than an ice cube, but due to all its characteristics, it is also significantly more effective. So it is not bad to use it even for headaches.

The roller works best in combination with the serum

The roller is recommended to be used in the morning and evening. Namely, in the evening it will help you relax to sleep, and in the morning it will help you with morning puffiness. The roller is best used by moving it over serum or face oil . Namely, this will increase the effect, that is, the absorption of the serum.

Since the roller by itself works to provide you with a professional spa atmosphere, enrich it with Professional products . Depending on the needs of your facial skin, choose Professional set P. In this set you will find serum and face cream that will show their full potential with the help of a roller.

First, clean your face and neck and apply a face serum that you will gently pat into the skin. Be sure to make an effort to apply the serum correctly . Start with a massage from the neck to the face all the way to the scalp. In doing so , use only the weight of the roller , without additional pressure on the roller.

Repeat up to 3 to 6 times, then switch to the eye area where you need to use the smaller, narrower part of your facial massager . Also, pay special attention to the area around the lips, where you should also use the narrower part of the roller.

After the roller massage, additionally nourish the face with a suitable cream . It won't take you long to get used to this easily accessible and queen-worthy beauty treatment that will quickly become part of your daily routine.

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